MA’s Premium Pepper Powder – 100g


MA’s Black Pepper Powder – Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices worldwide. Known as the ‘king of spices’, it forms a significant part of a large number of cuisines all over the world, used in cooking as well as garnishing.

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MA’s Black Pepper Powder – Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices worldwide. Known as the ‘king of spices’, it forms a significant part of a large number of cuisines all over the world, used in cooking as well as garnishing.
Black pepper powder, that comes with a mildly spicy flavour, is made by grinding peppercorns, obtained from the plant Piper nigrum. Since ancient times, black pepper has been considered to have essential health benefits.
Therefore, in addition to adding flavour to foods, black pepper has wide-ranging beneficial properties for health. It fights cancer, is an antioxidant, relieves cough and cold, treats skin problems, enhances weight loss efforts, etc.

Ingredients :


Benefits :

Health Benefits of Black Pepper
1. Prevents Any Sort of Cancer
2. Good for Digestion
3. Prevents Constipation
4. Treats Skin Problems
5. Good for Your Hair
6. Aids in Weight Loss
7. Treats Depression
8. Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases
9. Reduces Joint Pain
10. Detoxifies Your Body
11. Detoxifies Your Body
12. Good for Your Brain
13. Improves Blood Sugar
14. Might be Effective Against Cholesterol

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