GlutaLipo12 in 1 Gluta Lipo Gold Series Red Iced Tea – 10 Sachets


  • Newest Glutalipo Gold Series Flavor.
  • 1 Box – 10 Sachets (25g/sachet)
  • Mangosteen Flavor with Moringa Flakes & L-Carnitine
SKU: NC0785 Categories: , Brand:

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is infused with organic ingredients that are proven to have health benefits. The main ones are Garcinia Cambogia combined with L-Carnitine
for an effective and efficient way to burn fat and Glutathione and Collagen for the skin’s healthier and more youthful glow.
These, along with the other natural ingredients, safely guarantee the following benefits:
*Prevents Constipation
and Cleanses All these are enjoyed by every Glutalipo consumer without sacrificing the pleasure of drinking something delicious.
Each Glutalipo juice, coffee and milk tea tastes just as good as any other every day juice or coffee drink.
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-To eradicate the notion of being healthy and staying healthy equates to disregarding life’s simple pleasures such as eating.
-To make Glutalipo a part of the consumer’s daily diet as a drink that they enjoy just like the ones they are already having.
-To make it known that being health-conscious can still be enjoyable and affordable instead of having to do crazier diets or spending too much in a variety of treatments.

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